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    I-FM 3/7/23 PERHAPS ...

    What else? Let us imagine this world. We did away with the politics, this means we do away with dumb one sided rules. We reassert the separation of church and state, which brings us all closer together. There are arguments to be made on bothsides of really stupid issues, but those go away without political parties to make them an agenda. We need people to service our needs, not people to service our egos. The notion that some loud minority should guide the will of a nation is ridiculous. What selfish moron decided that was a good idea? I look outside, i see poles, cables, buildings, roads etc. We need that, One thing that has been proven over the last 30 years is no party is good at that. Let's go back to that. While I am at it, lets create a real cyber crime force. There is more of that crime than any other. Make it so we can send you our spam and phishing emails and you actually have someone trace it and find them. We don't need a space force, we need a cyber force. Until next time........     


    I-FM 3/3/23 PERHAPS ...

    So, to further my anarchistic suggestions: Let's say we did away with the political parties. What would we do? Well we first bulid a system that allowed us to vote for things we felt necessary. Roads, bridges, tunnels, creation of police that truly served the public interest and such. It is easy enough to create a way to do it. Who would run the projects? Another easy deal. Rather then draft people for military service, how about we draft and train people for public service? Train people to buiild, to design, to engineer. Now we are getting somewhere. we demand that our service people are truly educated, police included. By doing so we protect, we serve. Further we set an age limit for service. What then? What about pensions and healthcare? Se would be required  to have real infrastructure. stay tuned for more......    


    I-FM 2/26/24 PERHAPS ...

    For all the advertising in different spheres, most people have little care for their insurance needs other than maybe their yearly election of health insurance. In a way i understand, I did the same and because of the truly onerrous regulation of the business (maybe rightfully so) it is a huge pain in the ass.  There are a few things that we purchase that take so much effort and because of tha, they are not easily sold and therre are major industries that cause the price of these things to be much higher than they need to be. 
    Buying a car can take all day, buying a house, weeks, buyingsomething as simple as insurance, hours. Buying finacial products can take. some of it has improved, but not much. Wouldn't you enjoy these things if these things were simpler, if the small type was not necessary, if we could get rid of most of the lawyers. That wouln't suck, would it?


    I-FM 2/14/24 PERHAPS ...

    Here is an interesting thought, i will tell you, this is the short version. I suggest this because I am sick to death of the division, the lack of service and infighting of our current governing agencies. Honestly I do not think the solution lies in one of the current parties, nor by a third or 4th political party.
    I think our current agencies are outmoded, no longer represent us, and we have the technology to facillitate the will of the people without all of these career politicians that put party before people. Who cares what party you represent. You represent people long before party. Hundreds of years ago the only way we could have our voices heard was to hire people to represent us. That is just not true any longer.
    This is true for the house, the senate and the president. We need managers to execute our needs, balance the appropriate budgets and take care of the appropriate means and ends. We can easily vote for these things and can end this ridiculous shuffle of graft taking special interest cheats. No one needs a to rule us, we are a nation governed by its people for the people. How say you? 

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